June 24, 2019

JUNE '19 - Daily On Line Edition - DAY 24

Help for Prevailing Problems
by Max Lucado

“We use God’s mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the Devil’s strongholds.”2 Corinthians 10:4 NLT
Does one prevailing problem leech your life?
Some are prone to cheat. Others quick to doubt. Maybe you worry. Yes, everyone worries some, but you own the national distributorship of anxiety. Perhaps you are judgmental. Sure, everybody can be critical, but you pass more judgments than a federal judge.
What is that one weakness, bad habit, rotten attitude? Where does Satan have a stronghold within you? Ahh, there is the fitting word—stronghold: a fortress, citadel, thick walls, tall gates. It’s as if the devil staked a claim on one weakness and constructed a rampart around it.

Strongholds: old, difficult, discouraging challenges.

That’s what David faced when he looked at Jerusalem. . . .
“Nevertheless David took the stronghold . . .” (2 Sam. 5:9).

Granted, the city was old. The walls were difficult. The voices were discouraging . . . Nevertheless David took the stronghold.

Wouldn’t you love God to write a nevertheless in your biography? Born to alcoholics, nevertheless she led a sober life. Never went to college, nevertheless he mastered a trade. Didn’t read the Bible until retirement age, nevertheless he came to a deep and abiding faith.

We all need a nevertheless. And God has plenty to go around. Strongholds mean nothing to him. Remember Paul’s words? “We use God’s mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the Devil’s strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:4 NLT).

You and I fight with toothpicks; God comes with battering rams and cannons. What he did for David, he can do for us.
—from Facing Your Giants
Blessed Father, as you helped David conquer a stronghold so you can help us conquer the strongholds in our lives. You have promised freedom and victory. Father, will you break these strongholds with your mighty power? You steady us with your love, amen.

Do I Need To Be Baptized To Be Saved?

Whenever we talk or write about baptism, some will usually respond asking if one needs to be baptized in order to be saved. We believe salvation is by grace through faith alone. Responding to some questions, let's revisit the doctrine of baptism. 
1. In Scripture, only those who were already saved by trusting Christ as their Savior, were baptized. 
2. Scripture repeatedly tells us we are saved by faith alone. Works of any kind will neither add to nor take away from our salvation. According to Jesus, baptism is a work of righteousness. 
3. Scripture tells us the thief on the cross was saved and at death he went to heaven to be with Jesus. He certainly was not baptized. Those who hold to the doctrine that you must be baptized in order to be saved brush this incident off saying, "Well, it took place before Christ arose from the dead." Let's be sure that before or after Christ's resurrection, this thief hanging on that cross beside the Lord Jesus would not have been able to come down from there to be baptized. He was saved. He was not baptized. 
4. Scripture assures us that Jesus paid it all. At the time He chose, He gave up His life, shedding His sinless blood on Calvary's cross in complete payment for our sins. This completely satisfies the righteous requirements of our Holy God. We can add absolutely nothing whatsoever to this payment. When you and I go to the store, find what we need, and purchase it, we pay for it once. We're not expected to pay for it again. When Jesus purchased our salvation on the cross, He paid for it. He doesn't expect us to pay for it again. As sinners before a righteous God, we are unable to pay in any case. Jesus paid it all. Ours is but to believe and receive. 
5. Scripture says, "For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, it makes no difference to God whether we are circumcised or not circumcised. What is important is faith expressing itself in love." 
6. Scripture instructs us that water baptism is an act of obedience. Everyone who calls himself or herself a follower of Christ needs to obey Him. He tells us to be baptized so we certainly should be obedient to our Master. He says, "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say?" and "Those who obey My commandments are the ones who love Me." 
7. We conclude from Scripture that the follower of Christ should be baptized. We conclude from Scripture that baptism into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit takes place at salvation. We also conclude from Scripture that water baptism is not synonymous with salvation. "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; It is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." 
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 3:14; Luke 23:43; 6:46; Galatians 5:6; John 14:21; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV/NLT 
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me ... the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out." 

Sincerely in Him, 
Carl Willcox, pastor.
Co-Pastor with Kevin Corbin, Gleaning In The Word


Promotion to Montreal 
Submitted by Writer Guy 

Boss: Congratulations! I'm promoting you to manage our Montreal office! 

Young man (disappointed): But sir! There's nothing up there but bar girls and hockey players. 

Boss (now insulted): I'll have you know that MY MOTHER is from Montreal! 

Young man (thinking fast): No kidding? What hockey team did she play on? 

Southern Fried Chicken Batter

• 2 beaten egg
 1 cup milk
 2 teaspoon paprika
 1/2 teaspoon poultry seasoning
 4 teaspoons garlic salt
 2 teaspoon black pepper
 2 cup all-purpose flour

How to make it :
1. Beat the egg and milk together in a bowl.
2. Combine the flour with the garlic salt, pepper, poultry seasoning and paprika in a big plastic bag.
3. Put the chicken in the bag, seal it and shake to coat it.
4. Dip the flour-coated chicken in the egg mixture and again in the flour mixture.
5. Heat the oil in a skillet to 365 degrees F. 6. Brown the chicken on all sides in the hot oil.
7. Turn the heat down to medium low and give the chicken another half an hour or until it is cooked through.
8. Drain it on paper towels and serve.

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