March 2, 2020

March, 2020 - The StarLight News Daily On Line Edition - Day 2

Heading to Town 

Scripture: Psalm 95:7b  "They'll never get where they're headed, never be able to sit down and rest" MSG (Bible Paraphrase) 

The old timer hitched up his wagon on the farm and headed to town. As he pulled out of the yard his trusted dog Rusty followed. When the old timer arrived in town he drove the wagon in front of the General Store of Commerce. He dismounted the wagon. Grabbing the reigns of the horses he efficiently whipped them around the hitching post. His knot was a work of art after fifty plus years of driving the team to town. 

The store owner saw the old timer through the window and stepped out to meet him. Seeing the dog panting in the heat the shop owner said, "Hey old timer, why do you get to ride to town while poor Rusty has to walk all the way and is near exhaustion." 

The old timer looking over his glasses at the shop owner standing on the top stair replied, "Rusty is not tired from following me as I was heading to town. What tired him out was all his silly crisscrossing the road and foolish chasing. If he stayed on course and kept his eyes forward he’d be chipper as a bunny. There was not an open gate, a hole in a fence, or a tree stump that he did not explore. Then he chased every squirrel and rabbit within eyesight. He is tired from all his crisscrossing the road and chasing down squirrel and rabbit trails. 

Years ago, I found myself all tired out with Christian things for the same reason as Rusty. I was crisscrossing the road and chasing down squirrel and rabbit trails when I should have been focusing on the one thing God called me to do --- and do it well while staying on the path. 

Prayer: Father help me to focus on your goals for my life avoiding frustrating crisscrossing the road and chasing down the squirrel and rabbit trails of life, as I head to glory with You. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! 

Today's Author: Pastor Bill

Today's Devotional Sponsor...

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